Going to start studing for my CCIE Lab

Well the time has now come to complete the long journey of obtaining my CCIE. If you have no idea what this is you can go to http://www.cisco.com/go/ccie. At the time of this blog there are only about 6124 CCIEs in North America. I have taken the written exam and scored a 94 percent. This qualifies me to schedule the LAB. I have all of my own gear to lab on. I have purchased Workbooks Volume I, II, and III from internworkexpert.com and will be using these to prepare for my lab. My friend David tells me I need to read 3 books to pass the lab and since he said I would have to read them to pass of course I want to try to pass without reading them. I however decided it might take me 2 attempts to pass the lab if I do not read these books. I broke down and bought the 1st of the 3. This book is called Bridges, Routers and Switches for CCIEs. My plan is to read 1 chapter a day. I will start being accountable today. I am on Chapter 3 page 89. Today I will have finished chapter 3 and chapter 4. So far the book is actually pretty easy to read. It is a little dated with some of the technologies but it is right on for the concepts and review. This book explains things really well.


Anonymous said…
keep up the good work!!!!!!!! All this studying had better not mess with softball cause that is way more important than bettering yourself with books and learning :)

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